Jun 16, 2021



If money runs the world then profit is it's fuel. If you don't own a business, you are working for one, drafting to set up one or even dependant on one. Some organise crime(that doesn't even make sense, the word crime itself sounds disorganised!) for assurance of their share in the profit world. Some gang up or kill to keep it up. Some lose sleep to cover the work required to get the profits rolling in.  Business is a savage world!

Corona hit, permanently locked down many start ups as well as long standing brands and questioned the existence of other trying ones. With many closing, a void was created, a service was now missing, a good was now needed but yet not provided and a concept was now lost despite being an agent of positive change or one for a better life quality. Supply was not being matched up to demand.
Business is a world of opportunity!

Where we stand now, you gotta be most aggressive or perish as a business. Here's what's mind boggling, many businesses like eateries prepare meals so delish moreover with a dash of health for every dish, say huge seeable garlic cloves sitting sure at the top of vegetable rice or mint sprigs to garnish sweet treats but their premises are mostly empty and yet for months and atleast a year, they are still open and running! What's keeping them afloat? What is their HOW formula for the business? They are thriving on delivery services but more so, bursting with glory in the books of accounts by sustaining the few clients that do take time to choose their business, doing all these little things like complimenting us, sharing a joke with us, sending us kind notes or messages as we eat, just to bring pleasure and warmth to the client.
Business is a creative world!
Shout out to @Central Perk Kampala and @Reverie Lounge Kampala, the most recent places I crossed paths with, your customer service attendants were amazing. 

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They call it fast food, I call it a saviour on that rare day, with a quick fix when there's nothing else to eat in the scary dark hour. ...

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