Apr 16, 2020

Nearly gone!!..

Surviving death happens on a daily for both the conscious and unconscious about it. But some days, you just know, it's  gonna be bad. 
Not that this was a near death experience, but it got me feeling like I was out and soon gone. They tell us, our tools of production can also be destruction but sometimes when we take a glance at the lifeless tool, we often think, it's life mission is to follow our orders and there's no room for anything aside that, so no mistakes whatsoever, the result is us taking them more for granted, the more we familiarise with them. 

As I prepped for a kiddie breakfast, with no time to thaw the viennas, I had to detach one from the rest of the pack for the boiling, the healthiest possible way to cook them. So I pierced through the edge line of the one I had chosen as the sacrifice for nutrition kind and silly me, had my other hand trying to keep grip of the pack they lay in, only for the knife I had employed, to get right through to my pinky. I felt a sharp intrusion to my bone kingdom and then an instant numb right after, it felt more like a cold pain. 

I thought I had substracted a finger from my body and the feeling was very scary. My mind quickly went to, how will I hold that wine glass with class?! How will I wear those rings on an incomplete hand?! What if, as I partake in the family photo taking, people notice my finger space?! 

The voice of reason took over and said "calm down, breathe, go treat that thing, know that disability is not inability and there's nothing worse than not being alive." I now got the courage to look at my injured hand and my precious pinky was still there. Whooo! Party time has never been more meaningful!. 

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They call it fast food, I call it a saviour on that rare day, with a quick fix when there's nothing else to eat in the scary dark hour. ...

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