Jan 7, 2020


Its a sunny afternoon, having had my last meal at about 1pm, some tasty good old, rice, fish n cabbage, i take a motorcycle ride, "boda" as we like to refer to them in Kampala,Uganda. By the way, every Kampalan definately has their personal boda guy with a work station close to their homes that they made friends with and now have a special "uber-ish" bond. So this,my boda guy, travels me safe to what came out to be a brief but productive meeting. As he endeavours to bring me back to my own haven, out of nowhere, huge painful rain droplets!! By now we are half way our trip, we can't bare to push through to trying to get home so we stop at the place we were chanced to find that has a shelter we can sit under. Its cold, I don't know how the hours have flown by to 6pm, then alas!, grumbles in my tummy!!! The body is demanding, I carried a bag so flat that a ruler has a bigger width than it, so there's definitely no snack in there.  I start to remember all my teachings to the health concious, one being, always be food prepared! Was I anything close to it today, nadda!!! Am now cursing and slightly pissed at my negligence. I will probably get home late, I will definitely be missing  snack time and my already skinny self depends on every meal to be functional or at least warm.
 2 hours later, the rain then starts to go down little by little, as I said an unserious silent prayer for it to end.  I headed home with a refresher lesson like the special wise ones who go for refresher courses, which is to always have something small or big but something food in those bags for the ladies or pockets for thee gentlemen. You never know when they would be coming in handy.

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They call it fast food, I call it a saviour on that rare day, with a quick fix when there's nothing else to eat in the scary dark hour. ...

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