Jun 22, 2021


#Catching up on my creativity blog 3

A WhatsApp status posted a few days ago startled conversation with people I hadn't uttered a word to in years. It read, "we all have something different about us, ask me and I will tell you what I have always wondered about you." All I can say is people really come through when it gets personal with them because my fingers and phone were busy for the rest of that evening!! Now that I say that!, seems like a plausible tip or hack to getting the works of a creative well heard, read or seen. Shouldn't I just end this blog here? You know!, on a magical note, not dilute the strong secret concoction we have just made? But naaah, I refuse to risk taking my initial thoughts of today to the grave! 

One respondent gave me the green light to ask them and I told her I wondered how she kept such a quiet life even when I knew her money could afford her a pretty loud one, and even if it weren't loud, it could be more luxurious. Her response was simply put, "privacy is power!" She then went on to quote me a Thessalonians scripture to back it up seeing that she knows the Good Book quite well.

Of course, I was mentally pushed into the quiet corner for a bit. When I finally managed to get out that corner, I was torn! If you stay silent most of your life, you play safe with it, not much risk, no judgement from the outside, no guns that can be pointed at you because I mean, no one knows much that they can use anyway. Sounds comfortable to be safe.

However, the other hand becomes heavy at that level of privacy. You shun from the world of unknown possibilities, for comfort, you trade the possibility to discover a new you in adventure, the possibility to be discovered and stride into a life of real freedom and wealth, the possibility to create and share with the world your energy, the possibility of truly unleashing your creative side. Sounds like someone not firing on all cylinders.

 I don't know what's going through your mind on this right now but I would and do risk it all, anyday to be able to free the experimental wonder woman/man chained in a dark corner within and share her/him with humankind because you just never know where she/he will land and what healing her/his boldness will  bring for the sick side of the world. Sorry about the gender specifics,lol, I am all for leaving no one behind.

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