May 5, 2020

Let it be...

How do you tell someone you won't be eating their food because you don't like how they cook or handle food?
How do you let someone's invitation to a food date, down easy because you are fasting?
Is there a sweet way to refuse your workmate's kind cookie sharing gesture because you are on a diet?

How do you help grandma understand that you are not able to finish her mountain of food because you just ate at the previous home you visited an hour ago?
Could there be an internationally recognised sign for sickness one can wear, so people don't continually force food on you despite, you battling with a lousy appetite?

Why do we have to rue choices we have made for our good because we don't want to be misconceived? 
Why do I have to explain myself about my personal food principles and values? 
The food offerers should take a step back and stop mocking our respectful food declines with their doubting questions. 
It is their turn to answer the question, "why don't you let it be?"

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They call it fast food, I call it a saviour on that rare day, with a quick fix when there's nothing else to eat in the scary dark hour. ...

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