Apr 6, 2020

That thing!...

This self quarantine business is doing things to me! My alter ego person has risen and I am discovering abilities I never in my wildest dreams thought I would pull through with. Okay, some I did in my younger days when parents sat in front of the TV and we did all service from remote transporting to salt transporting to tea making, as payback for being brought into this amazing world we never conscented to making a stop at. 

But after all the years gone by, my memory had faded of ever knowing some of these house skills, only for me to have multiple déjà vu moments lately as I attempt to keep all things in my life including my house in better order than I found it.

One of such skills is the one to do with the charcoal stove, previously one of my most detested works but as of now with all the boiling of water this household seems to be constantly performing;- water for gaggling, water for a bath, water for tea, water for drinking, even water for brushing and foot soaks,  it's like there's a great need for boiled or hot water every about five minutes in my home and yet still, the sparing spirit should prevail in these unpredictable times. It's because of the above that I feel, my skills profile has upgraded and I am sure to organise a charcoal stoves skills concert soon. 

Anyway back to that stove, it has a magic it adds to food and even simple water, could it be the essence of the burning coal infusing into the food or water?!  Could it be the thoroughness of the heat from that red hot coal fire? Whatever the case, that thing can turn plain water into almost pot flavoured water with the smell and taste quite heavenly. That thing can use mere peas to turn into what tastes like million dollar meal with every bite. And that thing is the reason eating time is a bigger joy than it has ever been at mine.

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They call it fast food, I call it a saviour on that rare day, with a quick fix when there's nothing else to eat in the scary dark hour. ...

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