Feb 10, 2020

All upto you...

There's too much of everything these days, limits have become so abstract. There's too much internet access, too much antibiotics, too much fertiliser, too much bleaching,too much medicine, too much solitude, too much deforestation, too much exploitation and absolutely too much of the food versions. 

The downside about the too much trend is how intoxicating it can get. Intoxication is a poisonous ground to stand on and anything poisonous can potentially send us to the grave, most likely before our time. From the dust we came and to the dust we shall return and most surely by food, we live and by food, we shall let live. But how and when you let live is all upto you. 

So eat that you will live free, eat that you will live long, eat that you will have good to give to the ones that come after you, eat that you will light another's candle, eat that you will be here to walk your own hall of fame and eat that you will be here for the moments that count the most.



They call it fast food, I call it a saviour on that rare day, with a quick fix when there's nothing else to eat in the scary dark hour. ...

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