Apr 7, 2021

Ghost Fattener!!

I wouldn’t say the pound is popular, it’s definitely famous though! Seeing that it means money to one man and quickly swaps into that either pleasantly invited weight or that one extra thing to worry about when you look at the bathroom scale. Listening to a little too many accounts of that weight struggle from stressed out humans that then turn desperately gullible to try anything to snap out of that cycle breaks my heart but it also gives me what the most likely push buttons for this monster actually are for most people. And yes, as you have rightly imagined, I do have that checklist by now!

I usually line up any errands that involve me driving outside peak hours so I don’t have to ask myself a thousand times over why I stepped in the car in the first place but this one time recently, work stretched out, I couldn’t help it, I found myself exactly where I hated the most, traffic jam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had someone else in the car with me that day so that was kinda helpful, I wasn’t feeling the almost numbing ride alone. So as we chatted away on random things, from the food I almost burned in the morning to which public holiday was coming up next so we could take a guiltless chill, of course my head kept turning from side to side, taking peeps into people’s cars.  I started noticing something I found interesting. People have gotten so familiar with the jam that they actually prepare for it, in that moment, I could say, I never felt so unready in my life!
I peeped into one car, this lady was eating up on her popcorn. The next lady munched on her banana pancakes, from the way she was eating them, they seemed fresh and warm, the gentleman a few cars after on his set of wheels opposite my lane, had his goat muchomo(roasted meat) stick and a maize cob to devour. I sat there thinking, “wow, so this is actually a trend.” This idle eating trend is however paving way for the pound to soar and all this while, we didn’t know that the traffic jam is a ghostly trigger, blindly fattening the people.

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They call it fast food, I call it a saviour on that rare day, with a quick fix when there's nothing else to eat in the scary dark hour. ...

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