May 9, 2020

English HD...

What do we call a person who watches you eat your food with a side eye, wants a bite but instead, does you some supplementary swallowing? 

What do we call a visitor who puts on either a super serious or absent minded face with a modest twist to it, when he sees food being brought to his table?

What term is used for a person who finishes his food faster than lightning can strike, regardless of the portion he is served?

Let's also ask about people who pack their plates for the optical satiety and then eat barely half of this food? Is there a name for them?

Is English really doing the food scene a fine job? Or do we need to borrow a wider array of languages and deem them international as well?!
Maybe even cocktail English with other languages so we can cover more base of what we wish to express.
After all, freedom of expression is a human right!

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They call it fast food, I call it a saviour on that rare day, with a quick fix when there's nothing else to eat in the scary dark hour. ...

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